Original Article

Investigating Workload and Occupational Burnout of healthcare workers in the Welfare Organization of Gonabad City


Background and aim:Workers in welfare centers have to work more than other people, which may lead to job burnout. The present study was conducted to analyze the relationship between workload and burnout dimensions among the employees in health centers of Gonabad City, eastern Iran.
Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, a total number of 100 healthcare workers from the Welfare Organization of Gonabad City were selected to investigate the association between their workload and occupational burnout using the NASA-TLX questionnaire and the Maslach-Jackson Inventory. The data were analyzed by Chi-square, Pearson correlation, and one-way ANOVA in SPSS 22 software.
Results: Among the healthcare workers of the Welfare Organization, nurses had the highest rate of burnout in terms of efficiency (67.9±21.3). They had the lowest rate of burnout in terms of exhaustion and frustration (37.05±24.23), and moderate burnout in terms of mental pressure, physical pressure, time pressure, and effort (63.40± 26.17, 58.75±23.78, 60.30±21.72 and 61.54±26.31).
Conclusion: Considering the findings of the study and the importance of the health care profession, it is of the utmost importance to address the problems of healthcare workers in the Welfare Organization. Accordingly, the authorities must take the necessary steps to suit the environmental, managerial, and personnel conditions to them.

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Welfare Organization workload occupational burnout.

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Rahimpoor R, Fani MJ, Firoozi A. Investigating Workload and Occupational Burnout of healthcare workers in the Welfare Organization of Gonabad City. Int J Occup Hyg. 2018;10(1):46-51.