Original Article

Spectrum of Lymph Node Lesions by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Worker Population of Eastern Zone of India


Evaluation of lymphadenopathy is of clinical significance as the underlying disease may range from a treatable infectious etiology to malignant neoplasm. The aim and objective of the present study was to evaluate palpable lymph nodes of population working in small to medium scale industries represented as Group A by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) and to compare the results with the general population designated as Group B comprising dependent non-working family members of Group A population. The results were categorized into two main headings of benign and malignant diseases with sub categorization. The prevalence of benign diagnoses in Group A and Group B was 81% and 79% respectively while that of malignant diagnoses in Group A & Group B was 19% and 21% respectively. The predominant cause of lymphadenopathy in Group A & Group B was reactive lymphadenitis, followed by tubercular lymphadenitis respectively. Metastatic carcinoma was the comment malignant neoplasm (Group A- 16.31% & Group B -17.33%) followed by Non Hodgkins lymphoma (Group A - 2.63% & Group B - 2.89%). Squamous cell carcinoma was the commonest cytological type in metastatic carcinoma. Surprisingly, the Group A had a decade earlier incidence of metastasis compared to the general population represented by Group B. Early and continuous exposure to the carcinogens among the workers may be the cause of early occurrence of metastasis. FNAC being an easy and reliable procedure is recommended for screening of lymph node lesion of the worker population for early diagnosis and management.

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Lymph node Fine Needle Aspiration CytologyFNAC Small to medium scale Industries

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MALLICK D, NATHPRASAD R, GON S, GHOSH G. Spectrum of Lymph Node Lesions by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Worker Population of Eastern Zone of India. Int J Occup Hyg. 2015;7(3):139-145.