Original Article

Evaluation of Safety Culture and Work-Related Accidents in Oil Depots of Tehran


Safety culture is a set of beliefs, norms, incentives, social and technical roles and functions that make the core of the safety management system. The aim of this study was to examine factors affecting safety culture and its relationship to accidents in the oil depots. This cross- sectional study was conducted in 2016. Overall, 300 employees of 3 oil depots in Tehran Province were selected. About 150 of selected people had not accident in the last 3 yr and 150 of them were injured in the last 3 yr. A questionnaire consisting of 61 questions was used to evaluate the safety culture and effective factors on it. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software ver. 19. The mean of the age, work experience, and safety culture scores were 32.07 yr, 7 yr and 185.8, respectively. There was a significant relationship between safety culture and accidents so that the percentage of positive safety culture among people with a history of accidents (72.6%) was more than percentage of individuals without a history of accidents (39.3%). The age, work experience, education and marital status variables had no significant relationship with safety culture. Among the aspects of safety culture, the management commitment had the highest score and the safety priorities had the lowest score. The percentage of people with negative safety culture in the oil depots and safety culture had a significant positive correlation with the accidents.

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IssueVol 9 No 1 (2017) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Keywords safety culture accident oil depot safety

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How to Cite
KHOSHAKHLAGH A, YAZDANIRAAD S, ARVAN M, SARSANGI V. Evaluation of Safety Culture and Work-Related Accidents in Oil Depots of Tehran. Int J Occup Hyg. 2017;9(1):9-14.