
Serum Malondialdehyde and Urinary Neopterin Levels in Glass Sandblasters Exposed to Crystalline Silica Aerosols


The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore the association of crystalline silica aerosols exposure with malondialdehyde in blood serum and urinary neopterin and explore their potential as biomarkers of their external exposure. Nonsmoking and healthy male glass sandblasters and control population were randomly selected for this study. All groups were monitored for their personal exposure to crystalline silica according to NOISH method No. 7601. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was used to for analysis of malondialdehyde of blood serum and urinary neopterin, and creatinine in all study participants. The mean of personal exposure to crystalline silica aerosols in glass sanbalsters was 164 µg/m3 (SD: 112) compared with less than 0.006 mg/m3 for control group that was even below detection limit. The mean of blood serum malondialdehyde of  sandblasters(49.08±19.05µmole/l) was significantly higher than  that of control population 1.92±0.33 µmole/l (p<0.001). Urinaryneopterin of sandblasters was 10.85±3.61 mmole/mole creatini ne which was also significantly higher than control group 4.71±1.88 mmole/mole creatinine (p<0.001). Correlation between occupational exposures of glass sandblasters to crystalline silica with blood serum malondialdehyde was significant (r2=0.279, p<0.01). Malondialdehyde of blood serum and urinary neopterin could be regarded as biomarkers of exposure to crystalline silica aerosols.

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Glass Sandblaster Crystalline silica Biomonitoring Malondialdehyde Neopterin

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How to Cite
Azari MR, Ramazani B, Mosavian MA, Movahadi M, Salehpour S. Serum Malondialdehyde and Urinary Neopterin Levels in Glass Sandblasters Exposed to Crystalline Silica Aerosols. Int J Occup Hyg. 1;3(1):29-32.