
Effect of Vitamin C on Styrene Induced Respiratory Toxicity


Styrene (ethylbenzene) is widely used as a solvent in many industrial setting. Occupational exposure to ST can result in pulmonary toxicity. For better understanding of the mechanism by which styrene caused lung injury, this study was undertaken to investigate the effect of styrene on rat respiratory epithelial cells. The role of vitamin C (Vit C) on styrene induced toxicity was also investigated. Adult male rats were given ST (ip) at doses of 0, 200, 400 or 600 mg/kg. Another series of rats were pretreated with Vit C (300 mg/kg, ip) 30 min prior administration of various doses of ST. 24 h later, animals were killed with overdose of sodium pentobarbital. Lung and trachea tissues were removed, fixed and processed for light microscopy. Results demonstrated that styrene induced dose-dependant injury in respiratory epithelial cells. The antioxidant, Vit C protected cells against styrene toxicity. The results support the view that generation of oxidative stress is responsible for ST-induced damage in respiratory airway. The finding that Vit C has potential to protect respiratory epithelial cells against ST toxicity further support this hypothesis.

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Styrene vitamin C Lung

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Ahmadizadeh M, Pol T, Boazar M. Effect of Vitamin C on Styrene Induced Respiratory Toxicity. Int J Occup Hyg. 1;3(2):76-80.