Original Article

Design and Test of the Genuine Leadership Outcomes Model in a Military Unit


The present research was carried out with the aim of designing and testing a model of genuine leadership outcomes, where genuine leadership construct was selected as an antecedent variable; the constructs of organizational citizenship behavior, psychological well-being, and job aspiration as outcome variables and ethical and trust atmosphere constructs as mediation variables. For this purpose, 200 personnel of a military unit were selected by simple random sampling. The instruments of this study were including questionnaires of genuine leadership, ethical work atmosphere, organizational trust, organizational citizenship behavior, psychological well-being, and job aspiration. The data were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM) and intermediate analysis.  Modeling analyzes supported the structural equations considering the proposed model with the data.  The results indicated a direct positive effect of genuine leadership on ethical job environment, organizational trust, organizational citizenship behaviors, and job aspiration, a direct positive effect of ethical work environment on organizational citizenship behavior and job aspiration, a direct positive effect of organizational trust on organizational citizenship behavior and job aspiration, and an indirect positive effect of genuine leadership on organizational citizenship behavior and job aspiration through the ethical work environment and organizational trust. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that organization administrators should pay special attention to identify, evaluate, and promote authentic leadership in their organizations. Therefore, it is suggested that the organizations should recruit authentic leaders, and should encourage, support, and develop this type of leadership in order to increase the productivity of the organizational performance.

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IssueVol 11 No 4 (2019) QRcode
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Genuine leadership Ethical work environment Organizational confidence Organizational citizenship behavior Psychological well-being Job aspiration

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Shojaee Rad MH, Beshlideh K, Naami A, Hashemi SE. Design and Test of the Genuine Leadership Outcomes Model in a Military Unit. Int J Occup Hyg. 2019;11(4):271-282.