Original Article

Measurement of Urinary Cadmium in Glazers Using Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy


Glazers are exposed to a variety of heavy metals in the ceramic industry, causing adverse effect on the body systems. Cadmium is one of the major raw materials for production of colored glazes. To evaluate occupational exposure to cadmium, spot urine samples were collected from 49 tile and pottery glazers n Yazd City in 2010 at the beginning and end of the work shift (98 samples). Totally, 55 office workers  ere also evaluated as control group. Samples were prepared using solid phase extraction followed by  nductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. All the participants filled out a self administered questionnaire comprises questions about work shift, kind of job, use of mask, ventilation, work history, overtime work, age, weight, and height. The lung function tests were performed in a standing position according to the American Thoracic Society recommendation on both control and cadmium exposed individuals. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to evaluate the data. The mean values of cadmium levels before and after shift in study group was 3.88 and 10.85 μg/gcreatinine, respectively. The mean values of cadmium levels at the end of the work shift in the glazers urine  amples was almost 3.53 times higher than the control group and 2.17 times higher than the ACGIH biological exposure indices (5 μg/g creatinine). In addition the lung functions of glazers was significantly lower than the office workers (p<0.001). Exposure to cadmium in ceramic industry can lead to the reduction of respiratory capacity. Hygienic behaviors such as using protective mask and working in efficient  entilated workplaces can decrease the rate of occupational exposure to cadmium.

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IssueVol 4 No 2 (2012) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Urine cadmium Ceramic industry Glaze ICP-AES Spirometry

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KARGAR F, SHAHTAHERI SJ, GOLBABAEI F, BARKHORDARI A, RAHIMI–FROUSHANI A. Measurement of Urinary Cadmium in Glazers Using Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Int J Occup Hyg. 2015;4(2):11-16.