Original Article

Supervisor Support as Predictor of Reporting of Physical Symptoms and Psychological Distress among Employees’ Isfahan Steel Company


Supervisors have critical role in the provision of support in workplace. The present study examined degree of perceived supervisor support related to experienced physical symptoms and psychological distress among employees of Isfahan Steel Company, Isfahan, Iran. The sample included of 189 employees of the Company in 2011 who completed questionnaires about supervisor support, physical symptoms and psychological distress. The data were analyzed by multivariate (MANOVA) and correlation techniques. The results showed that there was internal significant correlation between supervisor support with physical symptoms and psychological distress (p<0.05). Multivariate analysis indicated that supervisor support predicted significantly about 17% and 19% of the variances of variables of symptoms and psychological distress (C<0.01). Employees perceived less supervisor support tend to report more commonplace illness symptoms and psychological distress, thus require more time for medical actions.

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IssueVol 5 No 1 (2013) QRcode
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Social support Employees Somatoform disorders Mental disorders

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KIANI F, KHODABAKHSH M. Supervisor Support as Predictor of Reporting of Physical Symptoms and Psychological Distress among Employees’ Isfahan Steel Company. Int J Occup Hyg. 2015;5(1):12-18.