Original Article

Quality of Working Life Assessment among Train Drivers in Keshesh Section of Iran Railway


Quality of working life (QoWL) is the attitudes of employees towards their job, especially their work outcomes including job satisfaction, mental health, and safety which directly influence organizational outcomes. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate train drivers' QoWL and determine its influencing factors. In this descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study, QoWL was evaluated among 100 train drivers working in Keshesh section of Iran Railway. In this sense, WRQoL scale was used which assesses five factors of Control at Work, General Well-Being, Home-Work Interface, Job and Career Satisfaction, Stress at Work, and Working Conditions. Total score of QoWL was calculated and the effects of age, work experience, marital status, education, satisfaction with the salary, and satisfaction with the supervisor on the QoWL were assessed. Data was analyzed statistically using SPSS version 18. Working Conditions and Home-Work Interface with the mean score of 1.37 and 2 were the most critical QoWL factors, respectively. Furthermore, no significant relations were observed between demographic and background variables and total score of QoWL. Overall, the quality of working life has obtained a low score among the understudy train drivers. Therefore, appropriate measures should be adopted in order to promote QoWL of this occupational group especially in two factors of Working Conditions and Home-Work Interface.

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IssueVol 6 No 2 (2014) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Train driving Quality of working life Home-Work Interface Working Conditions WRQoL scale

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How to Cite
Mazloumi A, Kazemi Z, Nasl-Saraji G, Barideh S. Quality of Working Life Assessment among Train Drivers in Keshesh Section of Iran Railway. Int J Occup Hyg. 2015;6(2):50-55.