
Relations between Chronic Disease and Crashes within Professional Drivers


Prevalence of chronic disease could be adversely having an effect on the capability of the driver. In addition, it must increase probability of accidents. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between chronic medical conditions and contribution in crashes among drivers. In this cross-sectional study, the populations were professional truck drivers. The numbers of 323 people were selected to participate in the study. All of information for this survey was gathered by self-repot questionnaire. Analyses were performed by binary Logistic Regression, Cochran's and Mantel-Haenszel statistics and chi-square test. There was not a significant relationship between drivers who reported that they had heart disease and involved in crashes with divers without cardiovascular disorders involved in accidents. Drivers involved in crashes were further possible to have diabetes mellitus and respiratory disorders compared with drivers not involved in crashes. There was a significant relationship between vision complaint and driving accidents (p<0.05). The present study indicates that, several medical conditions were associated with the risk of crashes.

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Chronic disease Crash Driver Risk factor

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Zare M, Halvani GH, Barkhordari A, Zare A. Relations between Chronic Disease and Crashes within Professional Drivers. Int J Occup Hyg. 1;2(1):25-29.